soup at its most simple and seasonal
Once the tomatoes have reduced and the fennel is tender, turn off the heat, add in the zest and juice from a small orange, and salt and pepper to taste. Blend it up in a blender to smooth it out, or better yet, just go at it with an immersion blender right in the pot.
a most handy tool, like a portable blender
Put a cheese sandwich on the grill, and prepare for summer heaven, ready in just 30 minutes. Throw the leftovers in the fridge and serve cold as an appetizer with some diced cucumber and herbs on top at your next dinner party. Heavenly, and ever so light on the palate.
the smooth flavor of garden tomatoes, accented
with the licorice of fennel, and the citrus punch of orange
I'm not a big soup eater. I enjoy making soup... this looks good enough to eat... That is a great looking soup. Thank you for the post... mike. I'll be trying this myself.. Thank you